2021 Winners
2021 Winners
New Business
Beyond Meat, Betway, Chef’s Plate, Kraft, Freed Developments, Canada Learning Code, CPA Ontario, Royal Ontario Museum, CMHC, Hivestack, Eli Lilly, VRAYLAR, AbbvieAllergan, Insurance Store.
Key Hires
Anand Iyer, Dominique Raso, Chris Perron, Jay Fleming, Hayley Malcho, Holly Lepp, Caitlyn Kirkos, Andrew Rizzi, Daniela Angelucci, Jared Kwart, Aryana Hassan, Alina Stanca, Victoria Di Valerio, Jennifer Mo, Alex Berube, Brittany Dow, Vanessa Côté, Michelle Hayos
Staff: 162
It’s customary to ask a new president about their first hundred days. However, when strategy caught up with new No Fixed Address president Mark Carpenter it had only been about half that. Yet that was still enough time for him to oversee some big growth at the agency.
“My previous role [as CMO of NFA] was focused on a few verticals but, as I take on this broader role, it’s reminded me of the power of the grid we’ve built and what we’re able to achieve. There is nothing but opportunity now, and that maybe hasn’t been the case for a while.”
Based in Toronto, with offices in Montreal and New York, NFA’s “integrated grid” model – which is based on talent and not offices – has allowed the multi-functional agency to not only survive but thrive in the last 18 months. In that time, it’s grown from 100 creative souls to 185, revenue has roughly doubled, and its welcomed accounts such as Hello Fresh, Chef’s Plate and CPA Ontario.
Over the last few years NFA has expanded its list of services, adding a media arm, then a public relations practise, and finally a health division between 2018 and 2019. The agency has quickly grown to become a one-stop shop that’s not only capable of winning Bronze in the Digital category of AOY, but also the Gold in PR.
“Ideas need to travel to be successful,” says Carpenter. “For us, PR is completely plugged into our creative and strategic process. It’s not a bolt-on where we say, ‘Here’s our ad campaign, now go PR this.' We’re all collaborating on this stuff to make sure that the end result is really strong and works for the client.”