2023 Winners
2023 Winners
New Business
Tangerine, Frito-Lay, Telus, Yves Rocher, Bibigo, Epidemic Sound, Béatrice, ATCO Energy, United Way BC
Key Hires
74 hires including: Karen Pearce - Partner, General Manager (Vancouver), Elyse Sanders - Head of Strategy (Vancouver), Fernando Hernandez - Group CD (Toronto), Daniel Lobaton - Partner, CCO (New York), Philip Schaffer - Group Business Lead (New York)
Staff: 334
Office Locations
Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, New York
What do you do next when you’re at the top? Jerry Seinfeld’s answer to that very question was to end his immensely popular show Seinfeld in 1998, despite the NBC promise of a US$5 million-per-episode salary. He wanted his work to remain forever etched in time as the best.
But Rethink’s global CCO, partner Aaron Starkman and global CSO, partner Sean McDonald have no intention of closing up shop just because their leading creative agency has been sitting at the peak of the mountain and winning awards for the last several years. “Rethinkers aren’t satisfied with being at the top,” Starkman explains. “You can look at it as ‘There’s only one way left to go and that’s down,’ or you can find a higher mountain.” And finding more mountains to climb is in line with the Rethink way.
When the agency was founded back in 1999, its founders – Chris Staples, Ian Grais and Tom Shepansky, who were working at a big network at the time – were rethinking where they wanted to spend their time and careers. They wondered whether they were living the values they believed in. The answer came back as a clear “No.” And so Rethink was born – a place to reconsider your priorities, a place that puts people first, an independent agency that encourages its people to reimagine the way the work is done.