2023 Winners
2023 Winners
New Business
Novo Nordisk, SNC Lavalin, Aviva Steam Whistle Brewing, CNESST, Ville de Québec, Autorité des marchés financiers, Fédération des cégeps du Québec, Conseil de l'industrie forestière du Québec, l'AMF
Key Hires
Andrew Butts - Senior Vice President of Business Leadership
Staff: 205
Office Locations
Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax
Change is as good as rest, the saying goes. And Cossette Media must be feeling quite refreshed after the amount of change its gone through over the last couple years. In that short time, the shop has seen a shuffling of its senior leadership team, the launch of a Responsible Media Solutions group, and enhanced access to capabilities through Plus Company Canada.
Last fall, the agency brought Andrew Butts on board as SVP business leadership (now GM of Ontario and West Canada) and promoted SVP Brian Cuddy to head up its Responsible Media Solutions group. Over at Plus, accomplished industry veteran Karine Courtemanche joined the network of entrepreneurial agencies as EVP of Plus Company Canada and president of its media group, which includes Cossette Media and Jungle Media.
Cossette Media has also made investments
in analytics, talent and resources to create a Responsible Media Solutions division. At the
time of its launch in late 2022, the agency told strategy sister publication Media in Canada that the group is testing, measuring and attempting to offset carbon emissions with clients in the digital advertising space